Freedom Marine International Yacht Sales
Whether you are looking for an elegant Princess Yacht, an adventure-ready Axopar, an elegant Hanse Sail Yacht or one of our hand-picked previously-owned brokerage offerings, Freedom Marine has something to match every boater’s style, budget, and ambition. Backed by a team of boaters who genuinely care about your experience.
无论您是在寻找一艘优雅奢华的英国公主游艇(Princess Yachts)、澳大利亚著名豪华游艇品牌Riviera、由创意设计出名的波兰游艇品牌Galeon、时刻准备探索的芬兰Axopar和BRABUS Marine、高贵典雅的德国Hanse、Moody、Dehler或是由我们游艇经纪精心挑选地、状态绝佳的二手游艇,Freedom Marine 总能找到最适合您的选择。我们的专业团队将满足您的一切需求, 完美匹配您的偏好、预算与期望, 确保您获得最佳的航海体验。