Visit the Sidney Pre-Owned Open House at Port Sidney Marina
21st September 2022
Freedom Marine will be displaying an array of used power and sail boats at Port Sidney Marina between September 26 – 29. Preview the boats on display below and remember to RSVP to secure a viewing!
Event Details
Date & Time:
September 26 – 29
9am – 5pm
*By Appointment Only
Unit 1D Port Sidney Marina
9835 Seaport Pl, Sidney, BC
Boats on Display

1981 Canoe Cove 53
This vessel had spent much of its life in fresh water, with evidence of knowledgeable use and care. Recently the vessel has been going through a period of maintenance and renewal which has created an opportunity to purchase an unspoiled classic 53 Canoe Cove that is in great shape and is ready to cover some miles.
2011 Regal 42
This boat has received many improvements and had an extensive maintenance service before this season. This is a great option for anyone wanting many of the new boat features at the price-point of a preowned boat. Call today as this is a rare find in our region.
2020 Hanse 388
The Hanse 388 is a quick and easy to sail cruiser. These are well built boats suitable for local or extended sailing. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a lightly used late model Hanse without the wait and cost of ordering a new boat.
1992 Hunter 33.5
Great NW cruising boat! Built by Hunter Marine of Florida, this vessel is ready for her next adventure. This vessel shows its many years of good care and recent significant renewal. The seller has done his few years of sailing and has left this boat fully equipped for the next owners sailing adventures.

2007 Formula PC 31′
New listing that just hit the market, this express cruiser from Formula is a popular design recognized in the market for both style and utility. She’s well equipped and ready to take on new adventures!
2005 Ablemarle 248 Express
This design is quite rare in our area, and the condition is exceptional for its age. If you are looking for a solid seaworthy boat for day cruises, fishing, or some minimalist cruising then this Albemarle should be on your list.